Thanksgiving 2018

Once again, you are invited to our "Just Lunch" thanksgiving feast November 14, 2018 at 11:30 AM at the First Baptist Church, 107 S Maple, Douglass, Kansas.  We are expecting lots of food and lots of classmates with guests.  Fill out the form below and we will get this started.  We need a head and food count.  Copies of this form will go to Tom Palmer and Diana Seitz Lawson.


Here's what we have so far:


Mike,Dori and Regan Howerter Pumpin desertl

Bill and Linda Johnson:  Deserts

Trudy Jacobson Rolls and Bread

Diana Lawson:  Turkey, dressing and gravy

Tom and Peggy Palmer:  cinnamon jello

Jim and Sandra DeWitt:  green bean caserole & potatoes au gratin

Louise Reimer:  Fruit Pie

Karen Moore:    Sweet Potatoes



Turkey, dressing and gravy will be provided.  Below check a side dish, or list your favorite dish/desert you are willing to prepare and bring.


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